Friday, September 14, 2018

Finish Tragedy of the Commons; Begin Unit 1: Earth Systems & Resources (Earth Science)

Finish 'Tragedy of the Commons' Lab 
-Discussion questions due at the beginning of class. Must be complete sentences and answer the question accurately and completely for full credit. You may work with lab partners but answers should be in your own words.

sustainability - meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

TED Ed Video: What is the Tragedy of the Commons? (5 mins)

-Answer DISCUSSION QUESTIONS based on results
-Class wrap-up and debrief of activity; observed trends that provide insight to other environmental problems and possible solutions

Question: How does the Tragedy of the Commons apply to global resources? 


Unit I. Earth Systems and Resources: Earth Science Concepts

Fill in notes on handout with diagrams

geologic time scale is a system that uses the earth's layers of sedimentary rock and preserved fossils to determine major evolutionary events. 
  • Each layer of rock represents a time in history.
  • There are four different eras (oldest to most recent):
  1. Precambrian- origin of the earth
  2. Paleozoic- first fishes, land plants and reptiles
  3. Mesozoic- first dinosaurs and birds
  4. Cenozoic- humans develop

The theory of plate tectonics states that the earth's outermost layer is made up of large and small plates that drift. The theory builds on the model of continental drift.
Tectonic plate movements and their effects:

The earth has four Seasons, Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.
  • Seasons are the result of the earth's tilt on it's axis, NOT its distance from the sun. 
  • Summer is warmer because the sun's rays hit the earth more directly than in winter and the days are longer.
Solar intensity and latitude also relate to the seasons. Regions that are located closer to the equator have a greater solar intensity. As the latitude moves up or down from the equator, the intensity lessens.

Next time: 
-Bring 'Fast Track to a 5' textbook
-Bring planner to pencil out important dates

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