Regular schedule this week
Reminder: turn in all library books ASAP!
Seniors - please all sit together
Per 1: Abby, Nhi, Karime, Angie, Daniel, Alina, Xitlalli
Per 3: Austin, Kendal, Juliana, Max, Becca, Gavin, Daniel, Olivia, Michael S., Otis, Michael V-S, Isaac
Per 4: Jamie B., Max, Josie, Jamie C., Solomon, Kevin, Oliver, Eh K'Nyaw, Kin
1.This is the last day to turn in missing work or revise any work!
2. Plan for your last day of APES together! (Thurs 5/30)
...Picnic in the park?
...Walk to Mt. Tabor?
...Watch a science-themed documentary/film/series?
...Teach your own lesson?
3. Please take the APES course survey HERE
4. Facilitate your peers' brainstorming and research (ask guiding questions, clarify questions, help with research sources, etc.)
Per 1 - Jian, Avery, Nate, Thao, Nancy, Bethy, Zola, Jace
Per 3 - Nathan, Laura, Royce, Faith, Joscelyn, Finn, Eugene, Basia, Madeline
Per 4 - Phillip, Jayne, Sebastian, Nicole, Holden, Olivia, Tommy, Lilly, Autumn, Oscar, Jule, Frank, Alex
...Get all your work in ASAP! then...
Begin Final Inquiry Project
50 point assessment
Due during final period (week of June 10th)
Heading: Final Inquiry Project
Learning Objective: I can conduct an independent environmental science research project of my choosing to present to my peers as my final project.
Rubric HERE
Individual topics of interest:
-Silent brainstorm on paper for 7 minutes
-List topics you might be interested to learn more about
-Minimum of 8 different ideas
Share out:
-Share your brainstorm ideas with your table partners
-Narrow your topic down to the best 3 and circle (these will be your backups if your main choice fails)
Refine your topic:
-Since this is a student-driven inquiry project, your research will be centered around a question (example: How much carbon dioxide is sequestered by the dominant tree species found in Clinton Park?
-Go back to your top 3 choices and write down how you could frame your research around a question on that topic. This will be your 'Guiding Research Question'
-Put a star next to the topic that you have decided on
Technical Requirements:
-Develop an explanation artifact in the form of a paper, poster, presentation, video, other?
-The final artifact of knowledge developed will communicate the discovery you made in your research (it essentially answers your guiding research question)
-No duplicates
-You must use class time to perform research to the fullest extent possible (not homework only, not library work, etc.)
You will have the rest of our time together as work days (that's only 4 class periods - stay focused & use time wisely!)
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