Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Warm Up; Announcements; Finish Air; Chalk Drawings Part II

1. What are the 5 layers of the atmosphere?
2. Name the 6 criteria air pollutants.
3. What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?
4. Tell me everything you know about VOCs...what are they, where do they come from, 
5. Why is ground level (tropospheric) ozone a concern? Is it a primary or secondary pollutant? How is it formed?
6. What is the difference between smog and ozone?
7. What health impacts do air pollutants in the troposphere have on humans and the environment?

Stamp for 'Smog Video Notes' (if still needed)

This week: 
-Tutorial Thursday, Assembly Friday
-APES Test Prep Session during tutorial unil 4pm, bring your completed Math Practice work to review!

Nice job on your table drawings last class! Remember that you'll need to draw the processes on a piece of paper on your own to turn in later. We'll do two more drawings, so at the end of the unit you'll have 3 drawings. 

Let's move on to the stratosphere...HERE

"Good" ozone - what does it do?
Where is it found? stratosphere
What is the current issue? How does air pollution affect it?
Ozone depleting substances released at the earth's surface travel up to the stratosphere (takes 2-5 years!)
What is the source of the problem?
-Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals used as refrigerants, fire supression, foam insulation, etc.
What are the effects of these sources on the ozone layer?
What are the health and environmental effects of ozone depletion? less protection from sun's rays like...
-skin cancer, eye disease (cataracts), crop damage, reduces productivity of phytoplankton
-negative effect on plants' physiology and processes, biogeochemical cycles altered

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