Thursday, March 21, 2019

Unit 5 Test - Energy Resources & Consumption; Pollution Vocabulary Terms after test

Unit 5 Test: Energy Resources & Consumption 

-Test taking expectations:
*Clear desks of everything except a writing utensil.
*Try your best, take your time, & stay focused.
*No talking while tests are out (everyone deserves a quiet testing environment).

*No breaks out of the room once you have started your test.
*No personal electronic devices while testing, no exceptions, 0% and no retakes.
*When finished, bring your test to the front and then start on the Unit 6: Pollution Vocabulary Terms assignment (below) quietly in your seat (technology OK when done with test)

Image result for good luck

When you finish the test...

Notebook heading: Unit 6 - Pollution Vocabulary Terms

Go to this link HERE and copy down the 40 (I know,

it's a big unit) vocabulary terms in your notebook to be checked by the end of class today (or Mon. 4/1 latest)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

TEDx Video; Unit 5 Energy Review & Kahoot

WARM UP (yes, write the whole sentence)
1.The three fossil fuels are ___.
2. What portion of energy consumed globally is used to produce electricity?
3. ___ is the unit of measurement for energy.
4. The difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy is___.
5. The predominant fossil fuel used to generate electricity is ___. 

6. What percent of the commercial energy we use comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal)?

3/15/19 Student Climate Protest News!

Video: Greta Thunberg TEDxStockholm (11 mins)

Unit 5 - Energy Resources & Consumption Review

Test this Thursday 3/21!

Let's look over the following together: (hand back)
-Vocab Quiz
-Energy Sources Research
-SWITCH Documentary questions

Pass back Energy Source packet
-Add to energy source chart pros/cons with costs (list in margin next to 'cons'); costs in cents:
biomass 8-15 
fossil fuels 16
geothermal 8
hydropower 85
uranium 2
solar 12
wind 2.5

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; a certification program focused primarily on new, commercial-building projects and based upon a points system. 

Please have your 'Cost of Electricity' worksheet out to get a stamp if finished; Review answers together (answer key HERE)

How much does electricity cost currently in Portland, Oregon? 

Explore Portland General Electric's website

Play Kahoot!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Homework check; Unit 5 Test 3/21!; The Cost of Electricity Activity

Homework Check:
Stamp for 1/2 page (minimum) notes on 'Bozeman Energy Concepts' video (homework #30)
Unit 4 Test must be done by 3:15pm today!
Energy Vocab Quiz must be done by 3:15pm today!

Announcement: Unit 5 Test (Energy) will be next Thursday, 3/21! I know this is a short turn around time but we'll the the four weeks after Spring Break to finish our last 2 units...

Look at 'Fast Track to a 5'...

Heading: The Cost of Electricity
Learning Objective: I can calculate the amount (in kilowatt-hours) and cost of electricity used to power different appliances over the course of a day. 

The Cost of Electricity worksheet HERE

Although the consumption and cost in this activity are not all-inclusive (you use so much more energy than this in one day!), it will give you an idea of the amount and cost of electricity use needed to power different appliances. 

Use the three equations on the front page to calculate the energy usage and cost of using each device for numbers 1-7.

Number 8 asks for the total electricity use and cost for the entire day (total numbers 1-7)

On page 3 you record your answers for 1-7, then substitute lower numbers to see how it would change your energy use and cost. 

Work with a shoulder partner at your table or independently. 

When finished, turn in to Ms. Ferro; due by Tuesday 3/19!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Check In on grades/assignments/tests; Homework: Bozeman Energy Concepts video & 'Fast Track' for Fri

Tutorial Schedule today

-If you received 70% or lower or did not yet take the Unit 4 test the deadline is this Friday, 3/15 by 3:15pm. 
This was the list as of last Tuesday 3/5:
Period 1: 33/46 is 70%, retake if you got 33 or lower
Jian, Avery, Nhi, Karime, Nate, Thao, Nancy, Alina

Period 3: 33/46 is 70%, retake if you got 33 or lower
Austin, Nathan, Juliana, Shantell, Gavin, Faith, Joscelyn, Olivia, Michael S., Eugene, Basia, Madeline

Period 4: no curve, 3 scored 100%!; 35 or lower retake
Phillip, Jayne, Sebastian, Nicole, Holden, Kevin, Lilly, 
Eh K'Nyaw, Oscar, Kin

Deadline for Energy Vocabulary Quiz is also Fri 3/15 at 3:15

Today's Tasks:
1. Check Synergy: what's your grade? what are you missing?
2. Did you score higher than 70% on Unit 4 test?
3. Did you take the Energy Vocab quiz?
4. Did you turn in Energy Sources Research & SWITCH Questions?
5. Are all homeworks complete, stamped, and in TOC? 
(check the blog for list!)
6. If you answered NO to any of the above - get to work!
7. If you answer YES to all of the above - do tank work first, then you can get started on your homework for Friday (below); update TOC and get it stamped if you finish before you leave

HOMEWORK for Friday, 3/15:
1. Watch 'Bozeman Energy Concepts' video & take half a page minimum of notes
2. Bring 'Fast Track to a 5' book to class

Monday, March 11, 2019

Energy Vocab Quiz; Finish SWITCH Documentary

Energy Vocabulary Quiz on Quizlet terms (22 pts)
10 minutes to review, then quiz

When all are done with quiz, finish SWITCH Documentary & Questions 

Learning Objective: I can watch the documentary 'Switch' and answer the questions in order to understand energy production and use around the world.

SWITCH (video) (1hr35)


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Energy Sources work due; Aquaponics tank data collection, cleaning, and setup; Begin SWITCH Documentary

Energy Vocab Quiz on Quizlet terms on Monday, 3/11! (22 pts)

Tutorial schedule today; come & retake test if needed in S020

Energy Sources Research Activity due at the beginning of the period today for full credit!

Aquaponics Tank Data:

Period 1 Take water and plant data and record (as quickly as possible before starting documentary, 20 mins max)

Period 3 Group A - Collect water & plant data only for tanks 3 & 12 while documentary is playing
Group A
Tank 3: Madeline
Tank 4: Kendall, Basia
Tank 11: Austin, Eugene
Tank 12: Michael S., Otis, Olivia
(please sub in and make sure tanks are covered if absences)

Period 4 Assist in setting up new tanks (#4 & #11) with James Carcia & McHugh's students as documentary is playing

Turn to a new right hand page in notebook...

Heading: SWITCH Documentary

Learning Objective: I can watch the documentary 'Switch' in order to understand energy production and use around the world.

SWITCH (1hr35)

Complete Worksheet as you watch, due at end of class 3/11

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Finish Energy Sources Research; aquaponics tank research

Energy Vocab Quiz on Monday, 3/11! (22 pts)

Today: Finish Energy Sources Research, Unit 4 test review, tank work

Learning Objective: I can compare and contrast different energy sources and learn about their environmental impacts, cost, and efficiency.

Get in your groups again and prepare to share out:
1. Thorough answers to Research Questions 1, 2, 4, & 5
2. Your energy source's pros & cons with clear explanations
Please be thorough, you're responsible for sharing what you learned about your energy source with your peers!

Group Presentations of whiteboards

Fill in your energy chart as groups present; you are responsible for learning about all of the energy sources, so please ask questions for clarification!

Each person must complete their own Energy Sources Research Activity packet and turn in at the beginning of the period on Thursday 3/7 (20 points)

Continue aquaponics tank research
-Period 1: do water quality and plant data, enter in notebooks and on Google forms; be able to take data solo on Thurs w sub 
-Period 2 I am going to pick up new fish for tanks in S-020
-Periods 3 & 4: Follow protocol for fish arrival; do water and plant data collection

If you didn't yet take or need to retake Unit 4 Test, you need to do so ASAP! Any period today (Tues) or Thursday w sub.

(phones away!) Return tests and review; collect once you review 

Period 1: 33/46 is 70%, retake if you got 33 or lower
Jian, Avery, Nhi, Karime, Nate, Thao, Nancy

Period 3: 33/46 is 70%, retake if you got 33 or lower
Austin, Nathan, Juliana, Shantell, Gavin, Faith, Joscelyn, Olivia, Michael S., Eugene, Basia, Madeline

Period 4: no curve, 3 scored 100%!; 35 or lower retake
Phillip, Jayne, Sebastian, Nicole, Holden, Kevin, Lilly, 
Eh K'Nyaw, Oscar, Kin

Friday, March 1, 2019

AP test registration reopen March 2nd-8th!!!

AP Exam registration will be opening again briefly starting tomorrow, March 2 through March 8.  The remaining spots will fill quickly so don’t wait!
Here is the  
Contact Alice Headley for more info.

Energy Vocab Homework check; Energy Sources Research

Homework check: Energy Vocab terms (22 terms in notebook)

Open notebooks and turn one page past your vocabulary terms

Heading: Energy Sources Research  
Learning Objective: I can compare and contrast different energy sources and learn about their environmental impacts.

1. Research one energy source in detail with your group
2. Answer the 7 research questions on the worksheet with your group. Everyone writes down answers.
Possible resources:
3. Write down 3 'pros' and 3 'cons' for your energy source on a whiteboard
4. Each group will present their energy source, giving their answers for numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 from the worksheet. They will also present their whiteboard with pros and cons. 
5. Everyone fill out the 'Source Chart' 
6. Go back to seats and answer the 2 Discussion Questions
7. Turn it in before leaving

Energy Sources Research worksheet HERE

Pros/Cons T-chart for Fossil Fuels, Solar, Hydropower, & Wind HERE
Pros/Cons T-chart for Uranium, Geothermal, & Biomass HERE