Friday, January 11, 2019

Homework check & review; look at US land use; watch 'Unbroken Ground'

Homework check: 

24. 'Bozeman Science Agriculture' video
and answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. What are the 5 characteristics of Industrial Agriculture?
2. Name a negative effect of each characteristics (5 total)
3. Name a solution to each of the 5 negative effects. 
4. What is Atrazine? What are some problems with it?
5. Due to negative effects of industrial farming, what are many farms now moving towards?

Global Land Use Facts:
30% of earth is land
70% of land is 'usable'
50% of usable land is used for agriculture
77% of agricultural land is used for livestock

Let's look at land use in the US: Bloomberg article

Watch 'Unbroken Ground' (26 mins) 

Answer questions on board/do exit ticket after film.

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