Monday, November 26, 2018

Calendar/Syllabus check in; Finish 5 Biogeochem Cycles Packet; HOMEWORK FOR WED

Welcome back! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving with your families. 

Stand, walk around, when I say stop find someone different to share for each:
1. Rose from Thanksgiving break
2. Thorn from Thanksgiving break
3. What is your current motivation?

Where have we been and where are we going?!

-Last class we had a guest speaker who led us through a workshop on GIS mapping of global earthquake hazards (the worksheet was due for 10 points); he will be back to talk further about GIS application to environmental science

-Previous to that we did a group biogeochemical cycle presentation based on your individual research for posters (not all classes got to complete the feedback cycle)

-So...Unit 1 ✔, Unit 2 ✔(almost)

To wrap up Unit 2 and continue practicing for the APES test in May, today we'll do another round of FRQ practice writing on ecology and biogeochemical cycles.

Up next is Unit 3: Population (population concepts & human population); we need to finish this before holiday break! Counting today we have 8 class periods to cover and test on Unit 3. We'll start Unit 3 next class. 

-Today you will complete the packet of all 5 biogeochemical cycles using other students' poster presentations and the textbook  (it counts as a homework); fill in key points on cycles using photos on the blog of your whiteboards; get a stamp when finished

-Check blog to update homework list; start Wednesday's homework (below)

Watch these two videos & take notes (half page for each)
1. Khan Academy Biogeochemical Cycles Overview 
(8 mins)
2. Khan Academy Flow of Energy & Matter (10 mins)

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