Thursday, August 30, 2018

Per 3 & 4 Handbook/Climate Guide Review; Pretest; Syllabus

Please find your name tent on the way in and place it in front of you on your table

Collect permission slips & contracts

Period 3 Handbook & Climate Guide Review 
p.9-12 & 25

Period 4 p.26-27

Pretest & review answers
#2 Portland landfill info
#5 PDX recycling
#9 ESA overhaul
#21 Fish in the Willamette River


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Seating Chart; Name Tent Activity; Review Survey; Paperwork

Seating Chart (alphabetical for Q1)

Roses & Thorns - first day of school?

Building Community:

 Four Corners Name Tent Activity

-Please get a writing utensil and a piece 

of paper from the middle table in your 


1.Fold paper short end to short end, then 

unfold. Fold ends back in to meet the 


2. Unfold all the way flat

3. Write your preferred name on inner two 

rectangles BIG  

(both sides of tent, facing the correct 

direction); decorate!

4. On one side only: 

Upper left corner - Your current favorite 

band/musical artist/artist

Upper right corner - Your favorite 


Bottom left corner - Something fun you did 

over the summer/something fun coming up

Bottom right corner - How you're feeling at 

the moment

5. Pair up with someone you don't already 

know and take turns introducing yourself 

using your name tent, telling them your 

four corner answers

6. Once you've shared with your partner, 

we'll go around the room and you'll be 

responsible for introducing your partner to 

the class, sharing their name and one of 

their corner answers.

Let's look at your responses for the 


Paperwork: safety contract, educational 

contract, Walking Field Trip Permission Slip

Monday, August 27, 2018


AP Environmental Science
Ms. Ferro
1 credit for science OR 1 elective credit

-Have a seat where you'd like for today 

(seating chart tomorrow)

-Quick room orientation

-I have a class blog! We will use it daily in 

class and it will be a great resource for you:

Today's Agenda:

Class Survey

Community Building

-Complete APES Survey on mobiles or 


Period 1 Survey

Period 3 Survey

Period 4 Survey

Community Building:

Share out!

1. With a person across the room: A rose 

and a thorn from your summer

2. A new person across the room: 

What you're most looking forward to this 

school year

3. Someone at your table: An goal you 

have for yourself this school year

I'm so happy to be here with you all! See you tomorrow :)